Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Nebraska Vadose database. The overall goal for this project is to gather, organize, and share vadose zone nitrate data, as well as monitoring data for other chemicals or compounds pertinent to groundwater management, in a single standardized database. Public access to a subset of Nebraska Vadose Zone data will be provided through the website for historical monitoring and research purposes. All collected data will be anonymized to protect landowner and producer information, and will be maintained on a secure server at the University of Nebraska. Landowner names are not available through the website.
Historical or new vadose zone monitoring data may exist in many formats. To facilitate adding new data to the database, please add your data to the color-coded, preformatted Excel file entitled "Vadose Zone New Sample Format," available in the zip file below. Please use the "Vadose Zone Data Formatting Tutorial" to guide you through this process. To submit your data, email the following to
- your original data file
- completed Vadose Zone New Sample Format workbook
For questions or comments, contact Dan Snow, Project Leader, at or 402-472-7539.